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[易语言成品模块] BASS音频模块1.0

结帖率:95% (41/43)
发表于 2024-8-2 09:37:20 | 显示全部楼层   湖北省荆门市
1. format string can contain the following things:
       - plain text like "Some song". This text is merely copied to the output.
       - special identifier, beginning with '%' to substitute for the tag value:
         "%TITL"  - song title;
         "%ARTI"  - song artist;
         "%ALBM"  - album name;
         "%GNRE"  - song genre;
         "%YEAR"  - song/album year;
         "%CMNT"  - comment;
         "%TRCK"  - track number (may include total track count "track/total");
         "%COMP"  - composer;
         "%COPY"  - copyright;
         "%SUBT"  - subtitle;
         "%AART"  - album artist;
         "%DISC"  - disc number (may include total disc count "disc/total");
         "%PUBL"  - publisher/label;
       - expression:
         "%IFV1(x,a)" - if x is not empty, then this evaluates to a,
                        or to an empty string otherwise;
         "%IFV2(x,a,b)" - if x is not empty, then this evaluates to a,
                        else to b;
         "%IUPC(x)" - brings x to uppercase, so "%IUPC(foO)" yields "FOO";
         "%ILWC(x)" - brings x to lowercase, so "%ILWC(fOO)" yields "foo";
         "%ICAP(x)" - capitalizes first letter in each word of x, so
                      "%ICAP(FoO bAR)" yields "Foo Bar";
         "%ITRM(x)" - removes beginning and trailing spaces from x;

       - escaped symbols:
         "%%" - "%"
         "%(" - "("
         "%," - ","
         "%)" - ")"

       Example. Assume we have the following information in the tag:
             Title: "Nemo"
             Artist: "nightwish"
             Album: "Once"
             Track: "3"
             Year: "2004"
         Format string: "%IFV1(%TRCK,%TRCK. )%IFV2(%ARTI,%ICAP(%ARTI),no artist) - %IFV2(%TITL,%ICAP(%TITL) -,no title -) %IFV1(%ALBM,%IUPC(%ALBM))%IFV1(%YEAR, %(%YEAR%))"
         Output: "3.- Nightwish - Nemo - ONCE (2004)"

         if 'Artist' and 'Title' are empty, the output will be:
         "3. - no artist - no title - ONCE (2004)"

         if only 'Track' is empty, the output will be
         "Nightwish - Nemo - ONCE (2004)"

         "%IFV2(sometext ,a,b)" always evaluates to a, because a space after
         "sometext" causes the condition string to be not empty. This is

       Another caution:
         "symbols '%(,)' are reserved, that is, they must be escaped if they are
         inteded to appear in the output. See the above example: the parens
         around %YEAR are escaped with '%' to prevent misinterpretation.


%IFV2(%CMNT,%ICAP(%CMNT),a){-}%IFV2(%ARTI,%ICAP(%ARTI),b){-} %IFV2(%TITL,%ICAP(%TITL) ,c){-}%IFV2(%ALBM, %IUPC(%ALBM),d){-}%IFV2(%YEAR, %(%YEAR%),e){-}%IFV2(%TRCK,%ICAP(%TRCK),f){-}%IFV2(%GNRE,%ICAP(%GNRE),g)
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结帖率:95% (41/43)

签到天数: 14 天

发表于 2024-8-2 08:22:31 | 显示全部楼层   湖北省荆门市
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发表于 2024-7-31 18:15:27 | 显示全部楼层   辽宁省鞍山市
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签到天数: 3 天

发表于 2024-7-30 19:10:16 | 显示全部楼层   广西壮族自治区*
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签到天数: 13 天

发表于 2024-7-27 14:19:48 | 显示全部楼层   新疆维吾尔自治区巴音郭楞蒙古自治州
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签到天数: 19 天

发表于 2024-7-27 08:10:11 | 显示全部楼层   山东省德州市
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