- ;
- ; RI.ASM Revision 2.12 [ July 12, 1994 ]
- Revision equ 'V2.12 '
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ; RAMinit Release 2.0
- ; Copyright (c) 1989-1994 by Yellow Rose Software Co.
- ; Written by Mr. Leijun
- ;
- ; Function:
- ; Press HotKey to remove all TSR program after this program
- ;
- ;
- ; ..........................................................................
- ; Removed Softwares by RI:
- ; SPDOS v6.0F, WPS v3.0F
- ; Game Busters III, IV
- ; NETX ( Novell 3.11 )
- ; Norton Cache
- ; Microsoft SmartDrv
- ; SideKick 1.56A
- ; MOUSE Driver
- ; Crazy (Monochrome simulate CGA program)
- ; RAMBIOS v2.0
- ; 386MAX Version 6.01
- ; ..........................................................................
- ; No cancel softwares:
- ; Windows 3.1 MSD
- ;
- ; No removed TSR softwares:
- ; MS-DOS fastopen
- ; Buffers, Files ... (QEMM 6.0)
- ; QCache (386MAX 6.01)
- ; ..........................................................................
- ;
- V2.04 Use mouse driver software reset function to initiation mouse
- 2/17/1993 by Mr. Lei and Mr. Feng
- V2.05 RI cannot work in Windows DOS prompt
- 3/9/1993 by Mr. Lei
- V2.06 1. When XMS cannot allocate 1K memory, RI halts.
- 2. RI repeat deallocates EMS memory.
- V2.07 HotKey Setup Error
- 4/25/1993 by Mr. Lei
- V2.08 KB Buffer
- V2.10 1. Release high memory blocks (EMM386 QEMM386 S-ICE 386MAX)
- 2. RI copies flag
- V2.12 1. Exists a critical error in Init 8259 procedure
- 2. Save [40:F0--FF] user data area
- dosseg
- .model tiny
- .code
- locals @@
- org 100h
- Start: jmp Main
- org 103h
- True equ 1
- False equ 0
- MaxHandles equ 100h
- INT3 macro
- out 0ffh,al
- endm
- ;
- ; HotKey Status Test Var
- ; --------------- ---------------
- ;
- ; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 417 418 496
- ; . . x . x . . . Left Alt is pressed 8 2
- ; x . . . x . . . Right Alt is pressed 8 8
- ; . . . x . x . . Left Ctrl is pressed 4 1
- ; . x . . . x . . Right Ctrl is pressed 4 4
- ; . . . . . . x . Left Shift is pressed 2
- ; . . . . . . . x Right Shift is pressed 1
- ;
- LeftAlt equ 00101000b
- RightAlt equ 10001000b
- LeftCtrl equ 00010100b
- RightCtrl equ 01000100b
- LeftShift equ 00000010b
- RightShift equ 00000001b
- HotKey db LeftCtrl or RightCtrl
- DataBegin dw 0
- NextDataSeg dw 0ffffh
- oldInt2F_addr dw 0, 0
- XMS_control dw 0, 0
- Handle_begin dw 0
- cvtOfs dw 0 ; DOS 3.0 equ 0 and above DOS 4.0 is 1
- org 104h
- db 0dh
- db Revision
- db ??date
- db 26
- org 114h
- tsrLength dw 0
- MachineID db 0FCh ; IBM PC/AT
- AuxHotKey db 0 ; 2Dh ; 'X' Scan Code
- AuxHotKeyName db 'X$ '
- Power db True
- Flag db '!'
- Kbd102 db 0
- NoFlag db 0
- StopFlag db 1
- DosEnv dw 0
- WorkSeg dw 0
- PrevDataSeg dw 0
- Copies db '1'
- old_8259 db 0 ; 21h port
- db 0 ; a1h port
- Status dw 0
- XMSbit equ 00000001b
- EMSbit equ 00000010b
- SKbit equ 10000000b
- GoINT1C: db 0eah
- oldInt1C_addr dw 0, 0
- newINT1C:
- test cs:Status, SKbit
- jnz GoINT1C
- cmp cs:StopFlag, 0
- jz @@0
- ;
- ; Mr. Lei 2/8/1993
- ; Problem: if WPS quit and reenter, old RI cann't control keyboard. ;
- push ds
- push ax
- xor ax, ax
- mov ds, ax
- mov ax, ds:[94]
- cmp ax, offset NewInt9
- pop ax
- pop ds
- jnz GoINT1C
- mov cs:StopFlag, 0
- @@0: push ax
- push ds
- push es
- xor ax, ax
- mov ds, ax
- mov es, ds:[94+2]
- cmp word ptr es:[101h], 'IE' ; 'LEI'
- jz @@1
- cli
- mov cs:StopFlag, 1
- mov ax, ds:[94]
- mov cs:oldINT9_addr2, ax
- mov ax, ds:[94+2]
- mov cs:oldINT9_addr2[2], ax
- mov ds:[94], offset newINT9_2
- mov ds:[94+2], cs
- sti
- @@1: pop es
- pop ds
- pop ax
- jmp GoINT1C
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; INT2F Func
- ;
- ; AX = C0D7h Return RI segment in AX
- ; AX = C0D8h Removes all TSR programs after RI
- ; AX = C0D9h Removes all TSR programs include RI
- ; AX = C0DAh Removes all RI copies
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- newINT2F:
- cmp ax, 0c0d7h ; LEI Hanzi GB Code
- jnz @@1
- push cs
- pop ax
- iret
- @@1: cmp ax, 0c0d7h+1
- jnz @@2
- jmp KeepSelf
- @@2: cmp ax, 0c0d7h+2
- jnz @@3
- jmp NoKeepSelf
- @@3: cmp ax, 0c0d7h+3
- jnz @@9
- mov cs:NextDataSeg, -1
- mov cs:Copies, '1'
- jmp NoKeepSelf
- @@9: jmp dword ptr cs:oldInt2F_addr
- CallInt9:
- ret
- newINT9_2:
- mov cs:NoFlag, 1
- pushf
- db 9ah ; call far ptr oldint9_addr
- oldInt9_Addr2 dw 0, 0
- jmp newINT9_proc
- newINT9:
- pushf
- db 9ah ; call far ptr oldint9_addr
- oldInt9_Addr dw 0, 0 cmp cs:NoFlag, 0
- jz newINT9_proc
- mov cs:NoFlag, 0
- iret
- newINT9_proc:
- cmp cs:Flag, '!' ; busy ?
- jnz @@0
- iret
- @@0:
- mov cs:Flag, '!' ; set busy flag
- push ax ; cmp hot key
- push bx
- push es
- mov ax,40h
- mov es,ax
- cmp cs:AuxHotKey, 0
- jz @@_1
- mov bx, es:[1ah]
- cmp bx, es:[1ch]
- jz @@10
- push bx
- mov bl, es:[bx+1]
- cmp bl, cs:AuxHotKey
- pop bx
- jnz @@10
- @@_1:
- mov ah,es:[17h] ; test CTRL SHIFT ALT
- mov al,cs:HotKey
- push ax
- and ax,0f0fh
- cmp al,ah
- pop ax
- jnz @@10 cmp cs:Kbd102, True
- jnz @@1
- shr al, 1
- shr al, 1
- shr al, 1
- shr al, 1
- push ax
- mov ah, es:[18h]
- and ax, 303h
- cmp al, ah
- pop ax
- jnz @@10
- mov ah, es:[96h]
- shr ax, 1
- shr ax, 1
- and ax, 303h
- cmp al, ah
- jnz @@10 cmp cs:AuxHotKey, 0
- jz @@_3
- inc bx
- inc bx
- cmp bx, 3eh
- jb @@_2
- mov bx, 1eh
- @@_2:
- mov es:[1ah], bx
- @@_3:
- call IsWinDos
- or ax, ax
- jz @@1
- call Beep
- @@10:
- sti
- pop es
- pop bx
- pop ax
- mov cs:Flag, ' ' ; no busy
- iret
- @@1: ; OK
- pop es
- pop bx
- pop ax
- KeepSelf:
- call RemoveTSR
- push es
- mov es,cs:WorkSeg
- mov dx,es:tsrLength
- mov di,dx
- mov al,0h ; Aug 24, 1993
- mov cx,100h
- rep stosb
- pop es
- int 27h
- NoKeepSelf:
- mov ax,0e07h
- int 10h
- mov cs:clsStr, 47h ; Color (White in Red)
- call RemoveTSR
- dec cs:Copies
- call RestoreSelfIntVec
- push es
- cmp cs:PrevDataSeg, 0
- jz @@1
- mov es, cs:PrevDataSeg
- mov es:NextDataSeg, -1
- @@1: pop es
- mov ax, 4c00h
- int 21h
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- IsWinDOS:
- mov ax, 1600h
- int 2fh
- cmp al, 01h
- jz @@9 cmp al, 0ffh
- jz @@9 ; Windows/386 Version 2.X
- cmp al, 00h
- jz @@1 cmp al, 80h
- jnz @@9 ; Windows 3 in enhanced mode
- ; Version number in AL/AH
- @@1:
- mov ax, 4680h
- int 2fh
- cmp al, 80h
- jnz @@9
- xor ax, ax
- jmp @@10
- @@9: mov ax, 1
- @@10: ret
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- RestoreSelfIntVec:
- cmp Copies, '0'
- jz @@0
- ret
- @@0:
- cli
- push cs
- pop ds
- xor ax, ax
- mov es, ax
- mov si, offset oldInt9_Addr
- mov di, 94
- movsw
- movsw
- mov si, offset oldInt2F_Addr
- mov di, 2Fh4
- movsw
- movsw
- mov si, offset oldInt1C_Addr
- mov di, 1Ch4
- movsw
- movsw
- sti
- ret
- ; ------------- KERNEL PROGRAM ----------------------------------------------
- RemoveTSR:
- pop ax
- cli ; Set stack
- mov sp, cs
- mov ss, sp
- mov sp, 100h
- sti
- push ax
- cmp cs:Power, True
- jnz @@1
- call Init8259
- @@1:
- push cs
- pop ds
- @@_0:
- mov ax,ds:NextDataSeg
- cmp ax, -1
- jz @@_1
- mov cs:PrevDataSeg, ds
- mov ds, ax
- jmp @@_0
- @@_1: mov si,ds:DataBegin
- mov cs:WorkSeg, ds
- lodsw
- cmp ax, 'XX'
- jz @@_2
- call Beep
- ret
- @@_2:
- call RestoreEnvStr
- call RestoreMCB ; restore current mcb
- call CloseFiles
- call RestorePort
- call RestoreLEDs
- call RestoreVecList ; Restore vectors list
- call RestoreFloppyParam
- cmp cs:Power, True
- jnz @@2
- call RestoreCVTchain ; Restore cvt chain
- call RestoreMemoryManager
- @@2:
- call RestoreBiosData
- call Enable8259
- mov ah, 1 int 16h
- call RestoreClockSpeed
- call CloseSpeaker
- call ResetDisk
- call UpdateTime
- call ClosePRN
- mov bx,cs:WorkSeg
- mov ah,50h
- int 21h ; Set PSP segment
- mov ax,3 int 10h ; Set display mode
- call InitPRN
- call InitMouse
- mov al, cs:Copies
- cmp al, '1'
- ja @@_sh1
- mov cs:ShowCopies, ''
- jmp @@_sh2
- @@_sh1: mov cs:ShowCopies, al
- @@_sh2:
- mov si, offset clsStr
- call ColorPrintStr
- mov cs:Flag, ' ' ; no busy
- cmp Copies, '1'
- jnz @@_end
- mov cs:StopFlag, 0
- @@_end:
- call ClearKB_buffer
- ret
- Beep:
- mov ax,0e07h
- int 10h
- ret
- ; #########################################################################
- ClearKB_Buffer:
- push es
- push bx
- mov bx, 0040h
- mov es, bx
- cli
- mov bx, es:[1ah]
- mov es:[1ch], bx
- sti
- pop bx
- pop es
- ret
- Init8259:
- ; cmp cs:Copies, '1'
- ; jz @@1
- ; ret
- @@1:
- cmp cs:MachineID, 0fch
- ja @@pc_xt
- @@AT:
- mov bx,870h ;
- mov al,0 ;
- out 0F1h,al ;
- jcxz $+2
- jcxz $+2
- mov al,11h ; ICW1
- out 0A0h,al
- jcxz $+2
- jcxz $+2
- out 20h,al
- jcxz $+2
- jcxz $+2
- mov al,bl ; ICW2
- out 0A1h,al
- jcxz $+2
- jcxz $+2
- mov al,bh
- out 21h,al
- jcxz $+2
- jcxz $+2
- mov al,2 ; ICW3
- out 0A1h,al
- jcxz $+2
- jcxz $+2
- mov al,4
- out 21h,al
- jcxz $+2
- jcxz $+2
- mov al,1 ; ICW4
- out 0A1h,al
- jcxz $+2
- jcxz $+2
- out 21h,al
- jcxz $+2
- jcxz $+2
- mov al,0FFh ; OCW1
- out 0A1h,al
- jcxz $+2
- jcxz $+2
- out 21h,al
- ret
- @@PC_XT:
- mov al,13h ; ICW1
- out 20h,al
- jcxz $+2
- jcxz $+2
- mov al,8 ; ICW2
- out 21h,al
- jcxz $+2
- jcxz $+2
- mov al,9 ; ICW4
- out 21h,al
- jcxz $+2
- jcxz $+2
- mov al,0FFh ; OCW1
- out 21h,al
- ret
- Enable8259:
- mov ax, word ptr cs:old_8259
- out 021h,al
- jcxz $+2
- jcxz $+2
- mov al,ah
- out 0a1h,al ; DEC PC Bus Mouse
- ret ; July 1994 by Mr. Lei
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- RestoreBiosData:
- lodsw
- cmp ax, '--'
- jz @@1
- call Beep
- ret
- @@1: push es
- push di
- mov di, 40h
- mov es, di
- mov di, 10h
- movsw
- mov di, 0a8h ; [40h:a8h]
- movsw
- movsw
- mov di, 49h
- mov cx, 1dh
- rep movsb
- mov di, 0f0h ; User data
- mov cx, 8
- rep movsw
- pop di
- pop es
- ret
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- RestoreMCB:
- push ds
- push es
- lodsw ; 'MZ'
- @@0: lodsw
- cmp ax, 'MM'
- jz @@1
- mov es,ax
- xor di,di
- movsb
- movsw
- movsw
- inc ax
- mov bx, ds
- cmp ax, bx
- jz @@10
- mov byte ptr es:[8], 0 ; Aug 24, 1993
- @@10: cmp byte ptr es:[0], 'Z'
- jnz @@0
- mov byte ptr es:[10h], 0
- jmp @@0
- @@1:
- pop es
- pop ds
- ret
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CloseFiles:
- mov ax, 5 ; Begin handle
- push ds
- push si
- mov cx, 15 ; Max handle
- sub cx, ax
- inc cx
- mov bx, ax
- @@1: push bx
- push cx
- mov ah, 3eh
- int 21h
- pop cx
- pop bx
- inc bx
- loop @@1
- pop si
- pop ds
- ret
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- RestorePort:
- mov di, 40h ; restore port
- mov es, di
- xor di, di
- mov cx, 8
- rep movsw
- ret
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- RestoreLEDs:
- lodsb
- and al, 11110000b ; LED status
- mov ah, es:[17h]
- and ah, 00001111b
- or ah, al
- and ah, 0f0h ; Clear CTRL ALT SHIFT
- mov es:[17h], ah
- ret
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- RestoreEnvStr:
- lodsw
- push si
- push di
- push ds
- push es
- mov es, cs:DosEnv
- mov ds, ax
- xor si, si
- mov di, si
- @@0: lodsb
- or al, al
- jnz @@1 cmp byte ptr ds:[si], 0
- jz @@2
- @@1: stosb
- jmp @@0
- @@2: stosb
- stosb
- pop es
- pop ds
- pop di
- pop si
- ret
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- RestoreVecList:
- xor ax,ax
- mov di,ax
- mov es,ax
- mov cx,100h
- @@0: lodsw
- xchg dx, ax
- lodsw
- cmp dx, 'EL'
- jnz @@1 cmp al, 'I'
- jnz @@1
- sub cl, ah
- push cx
- mov cl, ah
- mov ax, es:[di-4]
- mov dx, es:[di-2]
- @@a: stosw
- xchg ax, dx
- stosw
- xchg ax, dx
- loop @@a
- pop cx
- or cx, cx
- jz @@9
- jmp @@0
- @@1:
- xchg ax, dx
- stosw
- xchg ax, dx
- stosw
- loop @@0
- @@9:
- ret
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- RestoreFloppyParam: ; Mr. Lei 2/10/1992
- push es
- push ax
- xor ax, ax
- mov es, ax
- mov byte ptr es:[525h], 2
- pop ax
- pop es
- ret
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- RestoreCVTchain:
- lodsw
- cmp ax, 'VC'
- jz @@_0
- call Beep
- ret
- @@_0:
- push ax
- push cx
- push es
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------
- lodsw ; DPB
- mov di, ax
- lodsw
- mov es, ax
- @@1: lodsb
- inc di
- stosb
- add di, cs:cvtOfs
- add di, 10h
- movsw
- movsw
- les di, es:[di+2]
- cmp di, -1
- jnz @@1
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------
- lodsw ; DCB
- mov di, ax
- lodsw
- mov es, ax
- xor ax, ax
- dec ax
- stosw
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------
- lodsw ; Device Driver Chain
- mov di, ax
- lodsw
- mov es, ax
- xor cx, cx
- @@9: push di
- mov cl, 5
- rep movsw
- pop di
- les di, es:[di]
- mov ax, di
- inc ax
- jnz @@9
- pop es
- pop cx
- pop ax
- ret
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- RestoreMemoryManager:
- test cs:Status, XMSbit
- jz @@1
- call LoadXMSstatus
- @@1:
- test cs:Status, EMSbit
- jz @@2
- call LoadEMSstatus
- @@2:
- ret
- LoadEMSstatus:
- lodsw
- cmp ax, 'ME'
- jz @@_0
- call Beep
- ret
- @@_0:
- lodsw
- mov cx, ax
- xor dx, dx
- @@_1: push ds
- push si
- push dx
- push cx
- @@0: cmp dx, ds:[si]
- jz @@1
- add si, 4
- loop @@0
- push cx
- mov cx, 5
- @@0: mov ah, 45h ; Deallocate Handle and Memory
- int 67h
- or ah, ah
- jz @@1
- loop @@0
- @@1: pop cx
- @@1:
- pop cx
- pop dx
- pop si
- pop ds
- inc dx
- cmp dx, 100h
- jb @@_1
- shl cx, 1
- shl cx, 1
- add si, cx
- ret
- LoadXMSstatus:
- lodsw
- cmp ax, 'MX'
- jz @@_0
- call Beep
- ret
- @@_0:
- lodsw
- mov cx, ax
- jcxz @@5
- @@1:
- lodsw
- mov dx, ax
- @@2: push dx
- mov ah, 0ah ; free
- call dword ptr cs:xms_control
- or ax, ax
- pop dx
- jnz @@4 cmp bl, 0abh
- jnz @@4
- push dx
- mov ah, 0dh ; unlock
- call dword ptr cs:xms_control
- or ax, ax
- pop dx
- jmp @@2
- @@4: loop @@1
- @@5: ret
- endp
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CloseSpeaker:
- in al, 61h
- and al, 0fch
- out 61h, al
- ret
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- RestoreClockSpeed:
- mov al, 00110110b
- out 43h, al
- xor ax, ax
- out 40h, al
- out 40h, al
- ret
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ResetDisk:
- xor ax, ax
- xor dx, dx
- int 13h ; Restore A
- inc dx
- int 13h ; Restore B
- mov dl, 80h
- int 13h ; Restore C
- ret
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ClosePRN:
- mov ah, 51h ; Get PSP seg
- int 21h
- mov es, bx
- mov ax, es:[16h] ; Prev PSP seg
- cmp ax, bx
- jnz @@9
- mov ax, 3e00h ; COMMAND
- mov bx, 4 int 21h
- @@9:
- ret
- InitPRN:
- mov ax, 3e00h
- mov bx, 4 ; PRN
- int 21h
- mov ax, 3d01h
- mov dx, offset PRNname
- push cs
- pop ds
- int 21h
- ret
- PRNname db 'PRN',0
- InitMouse: ; 2/16/1993 by Mr. Lei
- push es
- xor ax, ax
- mov es, ax
- cmp word ptr es:[33h4+2], 0
- jz @@0 cmp word ptr es:[33h4], 0
- jz @@0
- mov ax, 21h
- int 33h ; Hook Mouse Interrupt
- @@0: pop es
- ret
- ; ------------- CMOS CLOCK set to System -----------------------------------
- UpdateTime:
- call GetRealTime
- mov ah, 2dh
- int 21h
- ret
- GetRealTime:
- mov ah,2 int 1Ah
- mov al,ch
- call bcdxchg
- mov ch,al
- mov al,cl
- call bcdxchg
- mov cl,al
- mov al,dh
- call bcdxchg
- mov dh,al
- mov dl,0
- ret
- BCDxchg:
- push ax
- push cx
- mov cl,4
- shr al,cl
- pop cx
- mov bl,0Ah
- mul bl
- pop bx
- and bl,0Fh
- add al,bl
- ret
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Display string
- ColorPrintStr:
- lodsb
- mov bh, al ; color
- xor cx, cx
- mov dx, 014fh
- mov ax, 0600h
- int 10h
- mov ah, 02 ; GotoXY (0, 0)
- xor dx, dx
- mov bh, 0 int 10h
- PrintStr:
- push cs
- pop ds
- xor bx, bx
- @@1: lodsb
- cmp al, '$'
- jz @@2
- or al, al
- jz @@2
- mov ah, 0eh
- int 10h
- jmp short @@1
- @@2: mov al, cs:clsStrcolor
- mov cs:clsStr, al
- ret
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Self dw 0
- clsStrcolor db 17h
- clsStr db 17h ; Color (White in Blue)
- db ' RAMinit Version 2.12 (c) 1989-1994 by KingSoft Ltd. Mr. Leijun'
- db 0dh,0ah
- db ' ['
- ShowCopies db ''
- db '] Activate...',0ah,0dh,'$'
- endTSR equ $
- mcbList equ offset endTSR + 2 + 2
- vecList equ mcbList + 710 + 2 + 10h + 1 + 400h
- devLink equ vecList + 4 + 5 26 + 4 + 10 30h + 4
- xmsList equ devLink + 2 + MaxHandles 2
- emsList equ xmsList + 4 + 1024
- crtMode equ emsList + 2 + 1Dh + 4 + 10h
- tsrLen equ crtMode + 1
- ;
- ; DOS Environment Reserved by RI
- ; --------------------------------------------------
- ; Flag 'XX' 2 bytes
- ; Environment Segment 1 word
- ; Free MCBs <=710 bytes
- ; MCB segment 1 word
- ; MCB 5 bytes
- ; End flag 'MM' 1 word
- ; COM LPT ports 10h bytes
- ; LEDs status 1 bytes
- ; Packed vectors list <=400h bytes
- ; Flag 'CV' 2 bytes
- ; CVT First DPB pointer 4 bytes
- ; DPBs data <=526 bytes
- ; First DCB pointer 4 bytes
- ; Pointer to NUL 4 bytes
- ; All device driver datas <=30h10 bytes
- ; Flag 'XM' 2 bytes
- ; XMS free handle counter 2 bytes
- ; EMS free handle list <=100h4 bytes
- ; Flag 'EM' 2 bytes
- ; EMS free handle counter 2 bytes
- ; EMS free handle list <=1024 bytes
- ; EMS handle 1 word
- ; Number of pages 1 word
- ; Flag '--' 1 word
- ; Equipment List 1 word
- ; CRT 40:49h-66h 1dh bytes
- ; 40:A8h 1 dword
- ; BIOS User Data Area 40:F0--FF 10h bytes
- ; **
- ;
- main: jmp main0
- Print Macro Str
- Lea dx, Str
- call DisplayStr
- endm
- InstMsg db 'RAMinit Version 2.12 '
- db 'Copyright (c) 1989-1994 by KingSoft Ltd. ',0dh,0ah,'$'
- Msg0 db 'Already installed !',0dh,0ah,0ah
- db 'For Help, type "RI /?". ',0dh,0ah,'$'
- Msg_0 db 0ah,'Residents a new RAMinit copy [y/n] ? $'
- Msg_2 db 'OK, RI No.'
- Msg_RI db '2'
- db ' residents successful !', 0dh,0ah,'$'
- Msg1 db 'Activate with: $'
- KeyMsg db 'Right_Shift$'
- db 'Left_Shift$ '
- KMsg1 db 'Left_Ctrl$ '
- db 'Left_Alt$ '
- db 'Right_Ctrl$ '
- db 'Right_Alt$ '
- KMsg2 db 'Ctrl$ '
- db 'Alt$ '
- db 'Ctrl$ '
- db 'Alt$ '
- PlusMsg db ' + $'
- crlf db 0dh,0ah,'$'
- HelpMsg db 'Programmed by Mr. Leijun Dec 1992', 0dh,0ah,0ah
- db 'Usage: RI [options]',0dh,0ah,0ah
- db '/H,/? Display this screen',0dh,0ah
- db '/CLS Removes all TSR programs after current RI',0dh,0ah
- db '/RET Removes TSR programs include current RI',0dh,0ah
- db '/NEW Residents a new data copy of current environment',0dh,0ah
- db '/ALL Removes all RI copies and all other tsr programs',0dh,0ah
- db '/Sxyy.. Define Hotkey x=AuxHotkey yy..=shift status',0dh,0ah
- db ' x=auxiliary hotkey (default is "X") ',0dh,0ah
- db ' x equ "1" means need AuxHotkey',0dh,0ah
- db ' yy..=shift status [CAScas]',0dh,0ah
- db ' C: Left Ctrl A: Left Alt S: Left Shift',0dh,0ah
- db ' c: Right Ctrl a: Right Alt s: Right Shift',0dh,0ah,0ah
- db 'Example: "RI /S1c" means Hotkey is Right_Ctrl+X',0dh,0ah
- db ' "RI /S0Cc" means HotKey is Left_Ctrl+Right_Ctrl',0dh,0ah
- db ' "RI /CLS" equals simply press hotkey',0dh,0ah
- db ' "RI /RET" Removes all TSRs after current RI and this RI',0dh,0ah
- db 0ah
- db 'Contact me for RAMinit problems: (01)2561155 Call 1997',0dh,0ah
- db '$'
- ErrMsg db 'ERROR: Invalid options !',0dh,0ah,0ah,'$'
- WinErr db 7, 'Sorry, I cannot work in Windows DOS environment.',0dh,0ah,'$'
- SetMsg db 7, 'Defines new Hotkey successful !',0dh,0ah,0ah,'$'
- tsrOK db False
- Main0:
- cld
- Print instMsg
- call IsWinDos
- or ax, ax
- jz @@1
- Print WinErr
- mov ax, 4c00h
- int 21h
- @@1:
- call HotKeyValid
- mov cs:Status, 0
- call EMS_test
- call CmpDosVer
- call CmpSideKick
- call GetMachineID
- call ModifyHotKeyPrompt
- mov ax, 0c0d7h
- int 2fh
- mov es, ax
- cmp word ptr es:[101h], 'IE' ; 'LEI'
- jnz @@0
- mov cs:Self, ax
- @@0:
- call CmdLine
- call PrintHotKeyPrompt
- cmp cs:tsrOK, true
- jz @@2
- call tsrReplyOK
- @@2: cmp cs:tsrOK, true
- jnz @@_2
- call PrintCopies
- @@_2:
- mov word ptr cs:[100h], 'EL'
- mov byte ptr cs:[102h], 'I'
- push cs
- pop es
- push cs
- pop ds
- std
- mov si, offset eof
- mov cx, eof - offset Here
- mov di, tsrLen
- add di, cx
- inc cx
- rep movsb
- cld
- mov bx, tsrLen
- jmp bx
- Here:
- mov ax,cs
- mov es,ax
- mov di,offset endTSR
- mov cs:DataBegin, di
- mov cs:NextDataSeg, -1
- mov ax, 'XX'
- stosw
- in al, 0a1h
- mov ah, al
- in al, 21h
- push ax
- mov word ptr cs:old_8259, ax
- xor ax, ax
- out 21h,al ; CLI
- call SaveOthers
- call SetSelfInt
- call BackupVecList
- cmp cs:Power, true
- jnz @@20
- call BackupCVTchain
- call BackupMemoryManager
- @@20:
- call BackupBiosData
- sti
- mov cs:Flag, ' ' ; no busy
- mov cs:StopFlag, 0 ;
- mov cs:tsrLength, di
- call SetDosEnvSeg
- cmp cs:Self, 0
- jz @@29
- push cs
- pop ds
- push cs
- pop es
- cld
- mov cx, cs:tsrLength
- mov si, cs:DataBegin
- sub cx, si
- mov di, 120h
- mov cs:DataBegin, di
- rep movsb
- mov cs:tsrLength, di
- @@29:
- pop ax
- out 21h, al ; STI
- mov al, ah
- out 0a1h, al
- mov dx, cs:tsrLength
- inc dx
- int 27h
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SetDosEnvSeg:
- push ds
- push es
- mov ax, cs
- @@10: mov es, ax
- mov ax, es:[16h] ; Get father process psp segment
- or ax, ax
- jz @@11
- mov bx, es
- cmp ax, bx
- jnz @@10
- @@11:
- mov es, word ptr es:[2ch] ; Get father process env segment
- mov cs:DosEnv, es
- pop es
- pop ds
- ret
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SaveOthers:
- mov ax, cs:[2ch] ; Env Seg
- stosw
- call backupMCB ; Current MCB
- mov ax, 40h ; COM LPT Port
- mov ds, ax
- mov si, 0h
- mov cx, 8
- rep movsw
- mov si, 17h ; LED status
- lodsb
- stosb
- ; call OpenLEDs
- ret
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- backupMCB:
- mov ax, 'ZM'
- stosw
- push ds
- push es
- mov ah, 52h
- int 21h ; Get MCB chain head
- mov ax, es:[bx-2]
- pop es
- @@0: mov ds, ax
- cmp byte ptr ds:[0], 'Z' ; End ?
- jz @@20 cmp byte ptr ds:[0], 'M' ; Memory control block
- jnz @@30 cmp word ptr ds:[3], 0 ; Nul mcb
- jz @@10 cmp word ptr ds:[1], 0 ; Free MCB
- jnz @@10
- call SaveFreeMCB
- @@10: inc ax
- add ax, ds:[3]
- jmp @@0
- @@20:
- call SaveFreeMCB
- cmp ax, 0a000h
- inc ax
- jnb @@30
- mov ax, 9fffh ; MS-DOS UMB
- jmp @@0
- @@30:
- cmp ax, 0c000h ; 386MAX
- ja @@90
- mov ax, 0c020h
- jmp @@0
- @@90: ; Error ?
- pop ds
- mov ax, 'MM' ; Set MCB flag
- stosw
- ret
- SaveFreeMCB:
- stosw
- xor si,si
- movsb
- movsw
- movsw
- ret
- ;
- ; push ax
- ; stosw
- ; xor si,si
- ; movsb
- ; movsw
- ; movsw
- ; pop ax
- ; cmp ax, 09fffh
- ; jnb @@3
- ; push ax
- ; push ds
- ; mov ds,ax
- ; cmp byte ptr ds:[0], 'M'
- ; pop ds
- ; pop ax
- ; jnz @@4
- ; mov ax, 09fffh ; MS-DOS UMB
- ; jmp @@0
- ; @@4: cmp ax, 0c000h
- ; ja @@3
- ; mov ax, 0c020h ; 386MAX
- ; jmp @@0
- ;
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- OpenLEDs: push ax ; Open all LEDs
- or al, 070h
- mov ds:[17h], al
- mov ah, 1 int 16h
- mov cx, 4 ; Delay
- @@20: push cx
- xor cx, cx
- @@21: loop @@21
- pop cx
- loop @@20
- pop ax
- mov ds:[17h], al
- mov ah, 1 int 16h
- ret
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SetSelfInt:
- push es
- push di
- cmp cs:self, 0
- jnz @@1
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov ax,3509h
- int 21h
- mov word ptr cs:oldInt9_addr,bx
- mov word ptr cs:oldInt9_addr[2],es
- mov dx,offset NewInt9
- mov ax,2509h
- int 21h
- mov ax,352Fh
- int 21h
- mov word ptr cs:oldInt2F_addr,bx
- mov word ptr cs:oldInt2F_addr[2],es
- mov dx,offset newInt2F
- mov ax,252Fh
- int 21h
- mov ax,351Ch
- int 21h
- mov word ptr cs:oldInt1C_addr,bx
- mov word ptr cs:oldInt1C_addr[2],es
- mov dx,offset newInt1C
- mov ax,251ch
- int 21h
- cli
- jmp @@2
- @@1:
- mov es, cs:Self
- inc es:Copies
- @@_0: cmp es:NextDataSeg, -1
- jz @@_1
- mov es, es:NextDataSeg
- jmp @@_0
- @@_1: mov es:NextDataSeg, cs
- @@2:
- pop di
- pop es
- ret
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- SaveCounter:
- mov word ptr es:[di], 'EL'
- mov byte ptr es:[di+2], 'I'
- mov byte ptr es:[di+3], bl
- xor bx, bx
- add di, 4
- ret
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DisplayStr: push cs
- pop ds
- mov ah, 9 int 21h
- ret
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CmdLine:
- push cs
- pop ds
- xor ax, ax
- mov si, 80h
- lodsb
- or al, al
- jnz @@1
- ret
- @@1:
- mov cx, ax
- dec ax
- push ax
- push si
- @@0: lodsb
- cmp al, ' '
- jz @@0 cmp al, '/'
- jnz @@2
- lodsb
- cmp al, 'S'
- jz @@_2
- cmp al, 's'
- jnz @@2
- @@_2:
- call SetHotKey
- Print SetMsg
- mov ax, 4c00h
- int 21h
- @@2:
- pop si
- pop ax
- push ax
- push si
- @@_3: lodsb
- cmp al, 'A'
- jb @@3 cmp al, 'Z'
- ja @@3
- add byte ptr ds:[si-1],20h ; DownCase
- @@3: loop @@_3
- pop si
- pop cx
- add si, cx
- lodsb
- cmp al, 's' ; CLS
- jnz @@5 cmp word ptr ds:[si-3], 'lc'
- jnz @@5 cmp cs:Self, 0
- jz @Err
- mov ax, 0c0d7h+1 int 2fh
- @@5: cmp al, 'h' ; HELP
- jz @help
- cmp al, '?'
- jz @help
- cmp al, 't' ; RET
- jnz @@6 cmp word ptr ds:[si-3], 'er'
- jnz @@6
- @@7:
- cmp cs:Self, 0
- jz @Err
- mov ax, 0c0d7h+2 int 2fh
- @@6: cmp al, 'w' ; NEW
- jnz @@8 cmp word ptr ds:[si-3], 'en'
- jnz @@8
- mov cs:tsrOK, true
- ret
- @@8:
- cmp al, 'l' ; ALL
- jnz @@9 cmp word ptr ds:[si-3], 'la'
- jnz @@9
- mov ax, 0c0d7h+3 int 2fh
- @@9:
- cmp al, ' '
- jnz @Err
- ret
- @Err:
- Print ErrMsg
- @help:
- Print HelpMsg
- mov ax, 4c00h
- int 21h
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- tsrReplyOK:
- cmp cs:Self, 0
- jz @@1
- Print Msg0
- push es
- mov ax, cs:Self
- @@_10: mov es, ax
- mov ax, es:NextDataSeg
- cmp ax, -1
- jnz @@_10
- mov ax, es
- @@_0: push ax
- dec ax
- mov es, ax
- mov bx, es:[3]
- pop ax
- add ax, bx
- inc ax
- mov es, ax
- cmp word ptr es:[0], 'OC'
- jz @@_0
- mov bx, cs
- cmp ax, bx
- pop es
- jz @@2
- Print Msg_0
- mov ah, 1 int 21h
- push ax
- Print crlf
- pop ax
- cmp al, 'y'
- jz @@3 cmp al, 'Y'
- jz @@3
- @@2: ; Print Msg_1
- mov ax, 4c01h
- int 21h
- @@3:
- @@1: mov cs:tsrOK, true
- ret
- PrintCopies:
- cmp cs:Self, 0
- jz @@1
- push es ; Added -by- Mr. Lei
- mov es, cs:Self ; Aug 24, 1993
- mov al, es:Copies
- inc al ; Total RI copies
- push ax ; Set es = current mcb
- mov ax, cs
- dec ax
- mov es, ax
- pop ax
- mov cx, 5 ; Search end of file name
- mov bx, 8
- @@10: inc bx
- cmp byte ptr es:[bx], 20h
- jz @@20 cmp byte ptr es:[bx], 0ffh
- jz @@20 cmp byte ptr es:[bx], 00h
- jz @@20
- loop @@10
- @@20: ; Set current RI no
- mov byte ptr es:[bx], ':' ; "RI:2"
- mov byte ptr es:[bx+1], al
- cmp bx, 8+7
- jnb @@30
- mov byte ptr es:[bx+2], 0
- @@30:
- pop es
- mov cs:Msg_RI, al
- Print Msg_2
- @@1: ret
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Backup Interrupt Vector List
- ;
- BackupVecList:
- push ds
- push cs
- pop es
- xor si,si ; Vectors
- mov ds,si
- movsw
- movsw
- xor bx, bx
- mov cx,00ffh
- @@0: lodsw
- xchg dx, ax
- lodsw
- cmp ax, es:[di-2]
- jnz @@1 cmp dx, es:[di-4]
- jz @@2
- @@1: or bx, bx
- jz @@3
- call SaveCounter
- @@3: xchg dx, ax
- stosw
- xchg dx, ax
- stosw
- loop @@0
- jmp @@4
- @@2: inc bx
- loop @@0
- call SaveCounter
- @@4:
- pop ds
- ret
- ;
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackupCVTchain:
- mov ax, 'VC'
- stosw
- push ax
- push bx
- push cx
- push ds
- push es
- mov ah, 52h
- int 21h ; ES:BX -- DOS table as described below
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------
- push es ; DPB chains
- push bx
- lds si, es:[bx]
- push cs
- pop es
- mov ax, si
- stosw
- mov ax, ds
- stosw
- mov bx, cs:cvtOfs
- xor cx, cx
- @@1: mov al, ds:[si+1]
- stosb
- mov ax, ds:[si+bx+12h]
- stosw
- mov ax, ds:[si+bx+14h]
- stosw
- inc cx
- lds si, ds:[si+bx+18h]
- cmp si, -1
- jnz @@1
- ; mov ax, 5
- ; mul cl
- ; add ax, 4
- ; add cs:tsrLength, ax
- pop bx
- pop es
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------
- push es ; DCB file control blocks
- push bx
- les bx, es:[bx+4]
- @@11: cmp word ptr es:[bx], -1
- jz @@10
- les bx, es:[bx]
- jmp @@11
- @@10:
- mov ax, es
- xchg ax, bx
- push cs
- pop es
- stosw
- xchg ax, bx
- stosw
- pop bx
- pop es
- ; add cs:tsrLength, 4
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- push es ; Device Driver Chains
- pop ds
- add bx, 22h
- mov si, bx ; NUL
- pop es
- mov ax, si
- stosw
- mov ax, ds
- stosw
- xor cx, cx
- xor bx, bx
- @@9: push si
- mov cl, 5
- rep movsw
- inc bx
- pop si
- lds si, ds:[si]
- mov ax, si
- inc ax
- jnz @@9
- pop ds
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- ret
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackupBiosData:
- mov ax, '--'
- stosw
- push ds
- push si
- mov si, 40h
- mov ds, si
- mov si, 10h
- movsw
- mov si, 0a8h
- movsw
- movsw
- mov si, 49h
- mov cx, 1dh
- rep movsb
- mov si, 0f0h
- mov cx, 8
- rep movsw
- pop si
- pop ds
- ret
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BackupMemoryManager:
- push cs
- pop es
- push ds
- push es
- call SaveXMSstatus
- call SaveEMSstatus
- pop es
- pop ds
- ret
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- SaveEMSstatus:
- test cs:status, EMSbit
- jnz @@1
- ret
- @@1:
- mov ax, 'ME'
- stosw
- inc di
- inc di
- push di
- mov ah, 4dh
- int 67h
- pop di
- mov es:[di-2], bx
- shl bx, 1
- shl bx, 1
- add di, bx
- ret
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------------
- SaveXMSstatus:
- call XMS_test
- test cs:status, XMSbit
- jnz @@1
- ret
- @@1:
- mov ax, 'MX'
- stosw
- mov dx, 1
- call XMS_alloc
- jnz @@_1
- xor cx, cx ; XMS alloc failure
- stosw
- ret
- @@_1:
- push dx
- sub dx, MaxHandles 10
- @@2:
- push dx
- call XMS_Lock
- pop dx
- jnz @@3 cmp bl, 0a2h
- jnz @@4
- add dx, 10
- jmp @@2
- @@3: push dx
- call XMS_unlock
- pop dx
- @@4:
- mov cs:handle_begin, dx
- pop dx
- push dx
- call XMS_bstat
- xor cx, cx
- mov cl, bl
- inc cx
- pop dx
- call XMS_Free
- mov dx, cs:Handle_begin
- push cx
- push cs
- pop es
- mov ax, cx
- stosw
- @@5: push dx
- call XMS_Lock
- pop dx
- jnz @@6 cmp bl, 0a2h ; Handle invalid
- jz @@7
- @@6: call XMS_unlock
- add dx, 10
- jmp @@5
- @@7: mov ax, dx
- stosw
- add dx, 10
- loop @@5
- pop cx
- ret
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- XMS_test:
- push es
- mov ax, 4300h
- int 2fh
- cmp al, 80h
- jnz @@9
- mov ax, 4310h
- int 2fh
- mov cs:XMS_control, bx
- mov cs:XMS_control[2], es
- or cs:Status, XMSbit
- @@9:
- pop es
- ret
- XMS_stat:
- mov ah, 0
- call dword ptr cs:xms_control
- mov hma_exist, dl
- ret
- hma_exist db 0
- XMS_alloc:
- mov ah, 9
- call dword ptr cs:xms_control
- or ax, ax
- ret
- XMS_lock:
- mov ah, 0ch
- call dword ptr cs:xms_control
- or ax, ax
- ret
- XMS_unlock:
- mov ah, 0dh
- call dword ptr cs:xms_control
- or ax, ax
- ret
- XMS_bstat:
- mov ah, 0eh
- call dword ptr cs:xms_control
- or ax, ax
- ret
- XMS_free:
- mov ah, 0ah
- call dword ptr cs:xms_control
- or ax, ax
- ret
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- EMS_test:
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov dx, offset EMMname
- mov ax, 3d00h
- int 21h
- jc @@2
- mov bx, ax
- mov ah, 3eh
- int 21h
- or cs:Status, EMSbit
- @@2:
- ret
- EMMname db 'EMMXXXX0',0
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SetHotKey:
- xor bx, bx
- lodsb
- push ax
- @@1: lodsb
- cmp al, 0dh
- jz @@9 cmp al, 'C'
- jnz @@2
- or bl, LeftCtrl
- jmp @@1
- @@2:
- cmp al, 'c'
- jnz @@3
- or bl, RightCtrl
- jmp @@1
- @@3:
- cmp al, 'A'
- jnz @@4
- or bl, LeftAlt
- jmp @@1
- @@4:
- cmp al, 'a'
- jnz @@5
- or bl, RightAlt
- jmp @@1
- @@5:
- cmp al, 'S'
- jnz @@6
- or bl, LeftShift
- jmp @@1
- @@6:
- cmp al, 's'
- jnz @@7
- or bl, RightShift
- jmp @@1
- @@7: pop ax
- jmp @Err
- @@9:
- mov cs:HotKey, bl
- pop ax
- mov cs:AuxHotKey, 2dh ; 'X' scan key
- cmp al, '1'
- jz @@29
- mov cs:AuxHotKey, 0
- @@29:
- cmp cs:Self, 0
- jz @@30
- push es
- mov es, cs:Self
- mov es:HotKey, bl
- mov bl, cs:AuxHotKey
- mov es:AuxHotKey, bl
- pop es
- @@30:
- call GetRunFileName
- mov ax, 3d02h
- int 21h
- jc @@10
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov bx, ax
- mov cx, 4
- mov dx, 100h
- mov ah, 40h
- int 21h
- jc @@10
- mov ax, 4200h
- xor cx, cx
- mov dx, 17h
- int 21h
- jc @@10
- mov cx, 1
- mov dx, offset AuxHotKey
- mov ah, 40h
- int 21h
- jc @@10
- mov ah, 3eh
- int 21h
- @@10:
- ret
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- GetRunFileName:
- ; Return:
- ; DS:DX Pointer of this run file name ASCIIZ string
- push ax
- push bx
- push cx
- push si
- push di
- push es
- push cs
- pop es
- mov ax, es:[2ch]
- mov es, ax
- xor di, di
- mov cx, 1000h
- xor al, al
- @@1: repnz scasb
- cmp es:[di], al
- loopnz @@1
- mov dx, di
- add dx, 3
- push es
- pop ds
- pop es
- pop di
- pop si
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- ret
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GetMachineID:
- push es
- mov KBD102,True
- mov ax,40h
- mov es,ax
- test byte ptr es:[96h], 00010000b
- jnz @@1
- mov Kbd102,False
- @@1:
- xor ax,ax
- dec ax
- mov es,ax
- mov al,es:[0eh]
- mov cs:MachineID, al
- pop es
- ret
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ModifyHotKeyPrompt:
- cmp cs:Kbd102, True
- jz @@9
- push cs
- pop es
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov cx, 124
- mov si, offset KMsg2
- mov di, offset KMsg1
- rep movsb
- @@9: cmp cs:MachineID, 0fch
- jna @@10
- mov cs:clsStrcolor, 70h ; Mono
- mov cs:clsStr, 70h
- @@10:
- ret
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PrintHotKeyPrompt:
- Print Msg1
- mov al, cs:HotKey
- mov ah, al
- shr al, 1
- shr al, 1
- and ax, 33ch
- or al, ah
- mov dx, offset KeyMsg
- @@40:
- or ax, ax ; Mr. Lei 4/25/1993
- jz @@_42
- shr al, 1
- push ax
- jnc @@41
- push ax
- call ColorDisplayStr
- ; mov ah, 9
- ; int 21h
- pop ax
- or al, al
- jz @@42
- push dx
- mov dx, offset PlusMsg
- call ColorDisplayStr
- ; Print PlusMsg
- pop dx
- @@41: add dx, 12
- pop ax
- jmp @@40
- @@42: pop ax
- @@_42: cmp cs:AuxHotKey, 0
- jz @@43 cmp cs:HotKey, 0 ; Mr. Lei
- jz @@_43
- mov dx, offset PlusMsg
- call ColorDisplayStr
- ; Print PlusMsg
- @@_43: mov dx, offset AuxHotKeyName
- call ColorDisplayStr
- ; Print AuxHotKeyName
- @@43:
- Print crlf
- ret
- ColorDisplayStr:
- push bx
- push cx
- push dx
- push si
- mov bl, 0fh
- mov si, dx
- xor bh, bh
- mov cx, 1
- @@1: lodsb
- cmp al, '$'
- jz @@2
- or al, al
- jz @@2
- push cx
- mov ah, 09h
- int 10h
- mov ah, 3 int 10h
- inc dl
- mov ah, 2 int 10h
- pop cx
- jmp short @@1
- @@2:
- pop si
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- ret
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CmpSideKick:
- xor ax, ax
- mov es, ax
- les bx, es:[20h]
- cmp word ptr es:[bx-4], 4b53h
- jnz @@1 cmp word ptr es:[bx-2], 4942h
- jz @@2
- @@1: mov es, ax
- les bx, es:[94h]
- cmp word ptr es:[bx-2], 4b53h
- jz @@2
- ret
- @@2: or cs:Status, SKbit
- ret
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CmpDosVer: mov ah, 30h
- int 21h
- cmp al, 3
- jb @@1 cmp al, 3
- jna @@2
- mov cs:cvtOfs, 1
- ret
- @@2: mov cs:cvtOfs, 0
- ret
- @@1: Print DosVerErr
- mov ax, 4cffh
- int 21h
- DosVerErr db 'Sorry, DOS version too lower !',0dh,0ah,'$'
- HotKeyValid:
- cmp cs:HotKey, 0
- jnz @@_1
- cmp cs:AuxHotKey, 0
- jnz @@_1
- Print HotKeyErr
- mov ax, 4cfeh
- int 21h
- @@_1: ret
- HotKeyErr db 'Sorry, please setup hotkey again. ',0dh,0ah,'$'
- eof:
- ends
- end Start
- ; ------------- The End ! ---------------------------------------------------