damn, if this isn't a beautiful example of misinformation I don't know what is. this is pure gold
You are actually proving Elon right by not posting the part where he questions the BBC.
This is one of the most embarrassing interviews I've ever seen. Love how the BBC just edited out the stuff they don't want you to see.
The full interview is great entertainment, where Elon Musk calmly takes apart the interviewer.
Imagine how many interviews in the past, that weren’t live streamed, got away with being edited like this.
"You just lied." Why would they edit that part out? It was the best part of the interview
You delete the most popular part of the interview, is this your so-call "free speech" and "no censorship"?
该死,如果这不是一个美丽的错误信息例子,我不知道什么才是。 这是纯金
你没有发布他质疑 BBC 的部分,实际上证明了埃隆是对的。
这是我见过的最尴尬的采访之一。 喜欢 BBC 删掉他们不想让你看到的内容。
“你刚刚撒谎了。” 他们为什么要删除该部分? 这是采访中最精彩的部分