Example: CDA ICs - Programming a single device (legacy API)Below is a sample C++ program showing how to use the functions in the legacy API to program an NVM device for CDA ICs.
#include <iostream>#include <windows.h>#include "testflash.h"using namespace std;int main(int argc, char** argv){ int retVal = -1; if (flOpen(1, 0, 0, TFL_USBDBG) != TFL_OK) { cout << "Failed to open TestFlash connection" << endl; } else { bool success = true; if (flReadProgramFiles("C:\\temp\\prog.xuv") != TFL_OK) { cout << "Failed to read flash program files" << endl; success = false; } if (success && flSetFlashType(TFL_TYPE_SQIF) != TFL_OK) { cout << "Failed to set flash type" << endl; success = false; } if (success && flSetSubsysBank(4, 0) != TFL_OK) { cout << "Failed to set subsystem and bank" << endl; success = false; } if (success && flProgramSpawn() != TFL_OK) { cout << "Failed to spawn flash program thread" << endl; success = false; } if (success) { int32 progress = flGetProgress(); while (progress < 100) { cout << "Programming..." << progress << "%" << endl; Sleep(1000); progress = flGetProgress(); } cout << "Completed" << endl; int32 error = flGetLastError(); if (error != TFL_OK) { cout << "Programming failed with error: " << error << endl; success = false; } } if (success) { cout << "Successfully programmed device" << endl; retVal = 0; } flClose(); } return retVal;}
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