C++封装rapidjson,用来编解码json。需要rapidjson库- 代码片段1:
- class JsonInterface
- {
- friend class JsonStream<Doc_Allocator_T>;
- public:
- virtual void Serialize(std::string& out)
- {
- String_Buf_T strbuf;
- Doc_Allocator_T allocator;
- Writer_T writer(strbuf, &allocator);
- Json_Strm_T jstrm(&allocator);
- Json_Value_T ret_obj(rapidjson::kObjectType);
- try
- {
- encode(jstrm, ret_obj);
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- out.clear();
- return;
- }
- ret_obj.Accept(writer);
- out = strbuf.GetString();
- }
- virtual int32_t UnSerialize(const std::string& in, std::string& error)//0 is success
- {
- Document_T document;
- if (document.Parse<0>(in.c_str()).HasParseError())
- {
- error = "json obj has parse error";
- return JSON_PARSE_ERR;
- }
- Doc_Allocator_T allocator;
- Json_Strm_T jstrm(&allocator);
- try
- {
- decode(jstrm, document);
- }
- catch(const JsonErr& err)
- {
- error = err;
- }
- return JSON_SUCCESS;
- }
- protected:
- virtual Json_Strm_T& encode(Json_Strm_T& strm, Json_Value_T& jobj) = 0;
- virtual Json_Strm_T& decode(Json_Strm_T& strm, Json_Value_T& jobj) = 0;
- };
- 代码片段2:
- template<typename Allocator>
- void JsonStream<Allocator>::encode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, JsonInterface& t)
- {
- Json_Value_T t_obj(rapidjson::kObjectType);
- t.encode(*this, t_obj);
- if (jobj.IsObject())
- {
- jobj.AddMember(m_name, t_obj, *allocator);
- }
- else
- throw JsonErr("encode error: jobj is not a obj, key is ") + m_name;
- }
复制代码- #ifndef JSON_STREAM_H__
- #define JSON_STREAM_H__
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- #include "rapidjson/document.h"
- #include "rapidjson/writer.h"
- #include "rapidjson/stringbuffer.h"
- #include "base_typedef.h"
- #define BEGIN_JSON_NS namespace JSON_NS{
- #define END_JSON_NS }
- #define JSON_SUCCESS 0
- #define JSON_PARSE_ERR 1
- #define JSON_DECODE_ERR 2
- typedef std::string JsonErr;
- typedef rapidjson::SizeType Json_Size_T;
- typedef rapidjson::Value Json_Value_T;
- typedef rapidjson::Document Document_T;
- typedef Document_T::AllocatorType Doc_Allocator_T;
- typedef rapidjson::StringBuffer String_Buf_T;
- typedef rapidjson::Writer<String_Buf_T, rapidjson::UTF8<>, Doc_Allocator_T> Writer_T;
- class JsonInterface;
- template<typename Allocator>
- class JsonStream
- {
- public:
- void encode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, JsonInterface& t);
- void encode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, int32_t dest);
- void encode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, uint32_t dest);
- void encode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, int64_t dest);
- void encode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, uint64_t dest);
- void encode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, std::string& in);
- template<typename T>
- void encode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, std::vector<T>& list);
- public:
- void decode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, JsonInterface& t);
- void decode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, int32_t& dest);
- void decode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, uint32_t& dest);
- void decode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, int64_t& dest);
- void decode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, uint64_t& dest);
- void decode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, std::string& out);
- template<typename T>
- void decode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, std::vector<T>& list);
- public:
- JsonStream(Allocator* alloc)
- {
- assert(alloc != NULL);
- allocator = alloc;
- }
- private:
- //��ֹ��vector�б���ָ��
- template<typename T>
- void encode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, std::vector<T*>& list);
- //��ֹ��vector�б���ָ��
- template<typename T>
- void decode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, std::vector<T*>& list);
- void convert_2_jsonvalue(Json_Value_T& value, int32_t t) {value = t;}
- void convert_2_jsonvalue(Json_Value_T& value, std::string& str)
- {
- value.SetString(str.c_str(), str.size());
- }
- void convert_2_jsonvalue(Json_Value_T& value, JsonInterface& json_obj);
- void jsonvalue_2_T(Json_Value_T& value, int32_t& t)
- {
- t = value.GetUint();
- }
- void jsonvalue_2_T(Json_Value_T& value, std::string& str)
- {
- str = value.GetString();
- }
- void jsonvalue_2_T(Json_Value_T& value, JsonInterface& json_obj);
- private:
- Allocator* allocator;
- };
- typedef JsonStream<Doc_Allocator_T> Json_Strm_T;
- class JsonInterface
- {
- friend class JsonStream<Doc_Allocator_T>;
- public:
- virtual void Serialize(std::string& out)
- {
- String_Buf_T strbuf;
- Doc_Allocator_T allocator;
- Writer_T writer(strbuf, &allocator);
- Json_Strm_T jstrm(&allocator);
- Json_Value_T ret_obj(rapidjson::kObjectType);
- try
- {
- encode(jstrm, ret_obj);
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- out.clear();
- return;
- }
- ret_obj.Accept(writer);
- out = strbuf.GetString();
- }
- virtual int32_t UnSerialize(const std::string& in, std::string& error)//0 is success
- {
- Document_T document;
- if (document.Parse<0>(in.c_str()).HasParseError())
- {
- error = "json obj has parse error";
- return JSON_PARSE_ERR;
- }
- Doc_Allocator_T allocator;
- Json_Strm_T jstrm(&allocator);
- try
- {
- decode(jstrm, document);
- }
- catch(const JsonErr& err)
- {
- error = err;
- }
- return JSON_SUCCESS;
- }
- protected:
- virtual Json_Strm_T& encode(Json_Strm_T& strm, Json_Value_T& jobj) = 0;
- virtual Json_Strm_T& decode(Json_Strm_T& strm, Json_Value_T& jobj) = 0;
- };
- template<typename Allocator>
- void JsonStream<Allocator>::encode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, JsonInterface& t)
- {
- Json_Value_T t_obj(rapidjson::kObjectType);
- t.encode(*this, t_obj);
- if (jobj.IsObject())
- {
- jobj.AddMember(m_name, t_obj, *allocator);
- }
- else
- throw JsonErr("encode error: jobj is not a obj, key is ") + m_name;
- }
- template<typename Allocator>
- void JsonStream<Allocator>::encode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, int32_t dest)
- {
- if (jobj.IsObject())
- {
- jobj.AddMember(m_name, dest, *allocator);
- }
- else
- throw JsonErr("encode error: jobj is not a obj, key is ") + m_name;
- }
- template<typename Allocator>
- void JsonStream<Allocator>::encode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, uint32_t dest)
- {
- if (jobj.IsObject())
- {
- jobj.AddMember(m_name, dest, *allocator);
- }
- else
- throw JsonErr("encode error: jobj is not a obj, key is ") + m_name;
- }
- template<typename Allocator>
- void JsonStream<Allocator>::encode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, int64_t dest)
- {
- if (jobj.IsObject())
- {
- jobj.AddMember(m_name, dest, *allocator);
- }
- else
- throw JsonErr("encode error: jobj is not a obj, key is ") + m_name;
- }
- template<typename Allocator>
- void JsonStream<Allocator>::encode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, uint64_t dest)
- {
- if (jobj.IsObject())
- {
- jobj.AddMember(m_name, dest, *allocator);
- }
- else
- throw JsonErr("encode error: jobj is not a obj, key is ") + m_name;
- }
- template<typename Allocator>
- void JsonStream<Allocator>::encode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, std::string& in)
- {
- if (jobj.IsObject())
- {
- jobj.AddMember(m_name, in.c_str(), *allocator);
- }
- else
- throw JsonErr("encode error: jobj is not a obj, key is ") + m_name;
- }
- template<typename Allocator>
- template<typename T>
- void JsonStream<Allocator>::encode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, std::vector<T>& list)
- {
- Json_Value_T t_obj(rapidjson::kArrayType);
- for (typename std::vector<T>::size_type i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
- {
- Json_Value_T t;
- convert_2_jsonvalue(t, list[i]);
- t_obj.PushBack(t, *allocator);
- }
- if (jobj.IsObject())
- {
- jobj.AddMember(m_name, t_obj, *allocator);
- }
- else
- throw JsonErr("encode error: jobj is not a obj, key is ") + m_name;
- }
- template<typename Allocator>
- void JsonStream<Allocator>::decode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, JsonInterface& t)
- {
- if (!jobj.HasMember(m_name))
- throw JsonErr("json has not a member of ") + m_name;
- if (!jobj[m_name].IsObject())
- throw JsonErr("json wrong fomat object: ") + m_name;
- t.decode(*this, jobj[m_name]);
- }
- template<typename Allocator>
- void JsonStream<Allocator>::decode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, int32_t& dest)
- {
- if (!jobj.HasMember(m_name))
- throw JsonErr("json has not a member of ") + m_name;
- if (jobj[m_name].IsInt())
- {
- dest = jobj[m_name].GetInt();
- }
- else
- throw JsonErr(m_name) + " is not a int";
- }
- template<typename Allocator>
- void JsonStream<Allocator>::decode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, uint32_t& dest)
- {
- if (!jobj.HasMember(m_name))
- throw JsonErr("json has not a member of ") + m_name;
- if (jobj[m_name].IsUint())
- {
- dest = jobj[m_name].GetUint();
- }
- else
- throw JsonErr(m_name) + " is not a uint";
- }
- template<typename Allocator>
- void JsonStream<Allocator>::decode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, int64_t& dest)
- {
- if (!jobj.HasMember(m_name))
- throw JsonErr("json has not a member of ") + m_name;
- if (jobj[m_name].IsInt64())
- {
- dest = jobj[m_name].GetInt64();
- }
- else
- throw JsonErr(m_name) + " is not a int64";
- }
- template<typename Allocator>
- void JsonStream<Allocator>::decode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, uint64_t& dest)
- {
- if (!jobj.HasMember(m_name))
- throw JsonErr("json has not a member of ") + m_name;
- if (jobj[m_name].IsUint64())
- {
- dest = jobj[m_name].GetUint64();
- }
- else
- throw JsonErr(m_name) + " is not a uint64";
- }
- template<typename Allocator>
- void JsonStream<Allocator>::decode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, std::string& out)
- {
- if (!jobj.HasMember(m_name))
- throw JsonErr("json has not a member of ") + m_name;
- if (jobj[m_name].IsString())
- {
- out = jobj[m_name].GetString();
- }
- else
- throw JsonErr(m_name) + " is not a string";
- }
- template<typename Allocator>
- template<typename T>
- void JsonStream<Allocator>::decode(const char* m_name, Json_Value_T& jobj, std::vector<T>& list)
- {
- if (!jobj.HasMember(m_name))
- throw JsonErr("json has not a member of ") + m_name;
- if (jobj[m_name].IsArray())
- {
- T t;
- for (Json_Size_T i = 0; i < jobj[m_name].Size(); i++)
- {
- jsonvalue_2_T(jobj[m_name][i], t);
- list.push_back(t);
- }
- }
- else
- throw JsonErr(m_name) + " is not a array";
- }
- template<typename Allocator>
- void JsonStream<Allocator>::convert_2_jsonvalue(Json_Value_T& value, JsonInterface& json_obj)
- {
- value.SetObject();
- json_obj.encode(*this, value);
- }
- template<typename Allocator>
- void JsonStream<Allocator>::jsonvalue_2_T(Json_Value_T& value, JsonInterface& json_obj)
- {
- json_obj.decode(*this, value);
- }
- #endif
复制代码 |