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[易源码分享] 基于Facebook开源的 rocksdb 分布式数据库模块 [迭代]

结帖率:100% (1/1)
发表于 2023-9-21 18:24:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式   广东省深圳市
是否带模块: 调用了模块
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由于之前帖子内容太多,这里重新发布一篇,之前帖子地址--> 地址

  • RocksDB是一个 持久的键值存储库 ,它是用C++编写的,适合在快速、低延迟的存储设备上存储数据。它是由Facebook数据库工程团队开发和维护。

LevelDB 有什么区别?
  • RocksDB和LevelDB都是基于LSM-Tree的嵌入式键值存储库,但RocksDB是在LevelDB的基础上进行了优化和增强

  • RocksDB可以支持 多线程 合并文件,而LevelDB是 单线程
  • RocksDB可以根据需要开辟 多个Memtable ,而LevelDB只有 一个Memtable
  • RocksDB可支持多种压缩算法,而LevelDB只支持snappy
  • 单线程模式下 LevelDB 可能稍微快一点,而在多线程下 RocksDB 就会发挥出它的优势了

  • 高性能:RocksDB 使用了很多优化技术,如多线程、高效的数据结构等,因此具有非常高的读写性能。
  • 可扩展性:RocksDB 可以处理大规模的数据,并支持自动分片和负载均衡等功能,因此可以很好地应对高并发访问。
  • 可靠性:RocksDB 支持 ACID 事务,保证数据的一致性和可靠性。
  • 灵活性:RocksDB 支持多种数据格式,包括内存映射文件、纯内存等,让用户可以灵活选择适合自己的存储方式。
  • RocksDB在存储数据时是按照键的排序方式进行存储的,它并没有明确的容量限制,可以存储非常大的数据 [理论上无限制容量]。而类似MMKV框架限制容量的方式是使用了一种固定大小的映射文件,即在创建MMKV实例时就已经确定了最大容量,超过容量时就不能再写入数据[大概在 4GB 左右]

下图为 rocksdb和leveldb  单/多线程 写入对比
理论上在单线程下 RocksDB应该比levldb稍微略慢一点



更新日志  2023/09/21 18:00  - V1.5  本次更新内容有点多

  • 本次使用了C++ MT 模式编译
  • 增加 Transaction事务类   (此事务支持在事务内创建迭代器,支持事务读取回滚操作)
  • 增加 OptimisticTransactionDB_类
  • 增加 TransactionDB (TransactionDB(PessimisticTransactionDB)和OptimisticTransactionDB,分别对应并发控制中的悲观锁和乐观锁)
  • 增加 Merge 合并功能   (使用此命令前务必在 rocksdb_启动参数 的 合并模式 选择合并模式)
  • 修复 压缩模式 无效
  • 修复 关闭写前日志 无效    (如果想完全启用内存模式,请将缓存调大关闭写前日志开启 即可)
  • OptimisticTransactionDBTransactionDB  对应的事务 [Transaction事务类]
  • ...

  • 以下为Facebook官方更新
  • -Please note 8.5.1 includes a fix for a persisted database corruption in an unlikely edge case. Upgrading to a version including this fix, like this one, is highly recommended!
  • Fixed a race condition in GenericRateLimiter that could cause it to stop granting requests
  • Fix a bug where iterator may return incorrect result for DeleteRange() users if there was an error reading from a file.
  • Fix a bug where if there is an error reading from offset 0 of a file from L1+ and that the file is not the first file in the sorted run, data can be lost in compaction and read/scan can return incorrect results.

  • https://wwqr.lanzouw.com/b09ivrlpc
  • 密码:7l4b


牛逼,收藏了!Q!!Q   河南省洛阳市  发表于 2023-9-23 08:49


参与人数 27好评 +13 精币 +34 收起 理由
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果心豆腐酱 + 1 没有例子,不会用,再快也没用,都看不懂干嘛用的。
文西哥 + 1 + 3 支持开源~!感谢分享
xjdgs + 1 + 2 建议做个模拟数据库操作类的例子让大家熟悉点
壮志豪情 + 1 开源精神必须支持~



结帖率:100% (1/1)

签到天数: 8 天

 楼主| 发表于 2023-9-23 10:44:53 | 显示全部楼层   广东省深圳市
本帖最后由 Buei 于 2023-9-23 10:48 编辑



回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

结帖率:100% (1/1)

签到天数: 8 天

 楼主| 发表于 2023-11-28 15:27:25 | 显示全部楼层   广东省深圳市
本帖最后由 Buei 于 2023-11-28 22:26 编辑

更新日志  2023/11/28 15:00  - V1.6 [rocksdb内核版本:8.8.1]

增加 设置  预读取缓存大小 [默认未开启
增加 设置  可见性等级  
增加 设置  日志备份次数 [LOG.old 开头的文件每次启动数据库时备份次数]
增加 自定义日志目录
修复 当value为空时写入失败


8.8.1 (2023-11-17)Bug fixes
  • Make the cache memory reservation accounting in Tiered cache (primary and compressed secondary cache) more accurate to avoid over/under charging the secondary cache.
  • Allow increasing the compressed_secondary_ratio in the Tiered cache after setting it to 0 to disable.
8.8.0 (2023-10-23)New Features
  • Introduce AttributeGroup by adding the first AttributeGroup support API, MultiGetEntity(). Through the use of Column Families, AttributeGroup enables users to logically group wide-column entities. More APIs to support AttributeGroup will come soon, including GetEntity, PutEntity, and others.
  • Added new tickers rocksdb.fifo.{max.size|ttl}.compactions to count FIFO compactions that drop files for different reasons
  • Add an experimental offpeak duration awareness by setting DBOptions::daily_offpeak_time_utc in "HH:mm-HH:mm" format. This information will be used for resource optimization in the future
  • Users can now change the max bytes granted in a single refill period (i.e, burst) during runtime by SetSingleBurstBytes() for RocksDB rate limiter
Public API Changes
  • The default value of DBOptions::fail_if_options_file_error changed from false to true. Operations that set in-memory options (e.g., DB::Open*(), DB::SetOptions(), DB::CreateColumnFamily*(), and DB::DropColumnFamily()) but fail to persist the change will now return a non-OK Status by default.
  • Add new Cache APIs GetSecondaryCacheCapacity() and GetSecondaryCachePinnedUsage() to return the configured capacity, and cache reservation charged to the secondary cache.
Behavior Changes
  • For non direct IO, eliminate the file system prefetching attempt for compaction read when Options::compaction_readahead_size is 0
  • During a write stop, writes now block on in-progress recovery attempts
  • Deleting stale files upon recovery are delegated to SstFileManger if available so they can be rate limited.
Bug Fixes
  • Fix a bug in auto_readahead_size where first_internal_key of index blocks wasn't copied properly resulting in corruption error when first_internal_key was used for comparison.
  • Fixed a bug where compaction read under non direct IO still falls back to RocksDB internal prefetching after file system's prefetching returns non-OK status other than Status::NotSupported()
  • Add bounds check in WBWIIteratorImpl and make BaseDeltaIterator, WriteUnpreparedTxn and WritePreparedTxn respect the upper bound and lower bound in ReadOption. See 11680.
  • Fixed the handling of wide-column base values in the max_successive_merges logic.
  • Fixed a rare race bug involving a concurrent combination of Create/DropColumnFamily and/or Set(DB)Options that could lead to inconsistency between (a) the DB's reported options state, (b) the DB options in effect, and (c) the latest persisted OPTIONS file.
  • Fixed a possible underflow when computing the compressed secondary cache share of memory reservations while updating the compressed secondary to total block cache ratio.
Performance Improvements
  • Improved the I/O efficiency of DB::Open a new DB with create_missing_column_families=true and many column families.

  • https://wwqr.lanzouw.com/b09ivrlpc
  • 密码:7l4b


参与人数 1好评 +1 精币 +3 收起 理由
文西哥 + 1 + 3 支持开源~!感谢分享


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发表于 2024-8-1 13:33:35 | 显示全部楼层   新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市
开源精神必须支持~        YYDS~!
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