[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码 from ctypes import
import win32api
import psutil
import win32gui
import win32process
import re
VIRTUAL_MEN = (0x1000 0x2000)
kernel32 = windll.kernel32
user32 = windll.user32
# 获取所有窗口句柄+窗口标题 存入字典中
def get_all_ths_windows()
ths_windows = []
def enum_windows_proc(hwnd, lParam)
windows = lParam
tdx_temp = dict()
if (re.match(AAA, win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd))) and (
win32gui.GetClassName(hwnd) == 'T_MainFrame_Class')
hread_id, p_id = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(
hwnd) # 通过句柄获取【线程ID 进程ID】
tdx_temp.update({pid p_id, hwnd hwnd, title win32gui.GetWindowText(
hwnd), clsname win32gui.GetClassName(hwnd)})
if (re.match(BBB, win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd))) and (re.match(Afx00, win32gui.GetClassName(hwnd)))
hread_id, p_id = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(
hwnd) # 通过句柄获取【线程ID 进程ID】
tdx_temp.update({pid p_id, hwnd hwnd, title win32gui.GetWindowText(
hwnd), clsname win32gui.GetClassName(hwnd)})
win32gui.EnumWindows(enum_windows_proc, ths_windows)
return ths_windows
# 取一个BBB顶层窗口句柄
def ths_top_hwnd()
process_lists = get_all_ths_windows() # 返回进程字典
# keys = dict_ths.keys() # 返回字典中所有键
# items = dict_tdx.items() # 返回键值对
for process in process_lists
pid = process[pid] # 当前进程id
hwnd = process[hwnd] # 当前进程句柄
# print(
# f当前进程id{pid} 当前句柄:{hwnd}===窗口标题:{win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd)}===类名:{win32gui.GetClassName(hwnd)})
if re.match(BBB, win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd))
return hwnd
return 0
def ths_prc_hwnd()
pl = psutil.pids()
for pid in pl
if psutil.Process(pid).name().lower() == h.exe
if isinstance(pid, int)
ths_process_hwnd = kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False,
int(pid)) # 申请内存所在的进程句柄
return ths_process_hwnd
def bytes_16(dec_num, Code)
ascii_char = chr(dec_num) # 将整数转换为对应的ASCII字符
codex = ascii_char + str(Code)
# 将Python字符串转换为bytes类型
bytes_codex = codex.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
return bytes_codex
def ths_convert_code(Code)
if str(Code)[0] == '6'
dec_num = int(11, 16) # 将16进制数转换为整数
bytes_codex = bytes_16(dec_num,Code)
elif str(Code).startswith(11) # 11开头的可转债
dec_num = int(13, 16) # 将16进制数转换为整数
bytes_codex = bytes_16(dec_num,Code)
elif str(Code).startswith(12) # 12开头的可转债
dec_num = int(23, 16) # 将16进制数转换为整数
bytes_codex = bytes_16(dec_num,Code)
dec_num = int(21, 16) # 将16进制数转换为整数
bytes_codex = bytes_16(dec_num,Code)
return bytes_codex
def send_code_message(code)
ths_process_hwnd = ths_prc_hwnd()
# 用kerne132.VirtualAllocEx在目标进程开辟内存空间(用于存放数据)
argv_address = kernel32.VirtualAllocEx(ths_process_hwnd, 0, 8, VIRTUAL_MEN, FAGE_READWRITE)
bytes_str = ths_convert_code(code)
# 步用kerne132.WriteProcessMemory在目标进程内存空间写入数据
kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(ths_process_hwnd, argv_address, bytes_str, 7, None)
ths_top_hwnd1 = ths_top_hwnd() # BBB顶层窗口句柄
win32api.SendMessage(ths_top_hwnd1, int(1168), 0, argv_address)
if __name__ == '__main__'